Certified Ethical Hacker, Self-Made Entrepreneur, Ardent Learner, Marketing & Advertising Professional. My areas of expertise would involve strategic business development, partnership alliances & major sponsorship development.
My earlier days of experience would involve grooming up as a web developer for more than two years. Completed by Post Graduate in Computer Science & Engineering in 2008 and was recruited in HCL Technologies.
Thought of pursing Ph.D.; quit the job and went on to take the Assistant Professor Job in B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent University. My career had a big learning curve during my tenure as a Mentor & Advisor and opened up a lot of avenues in which I can explore and can use my expertise. I do offer keynote speeches on latest web technologies across various educational institutions.
Became an entrepreneur in 2013 by founding a company “Jerry Mouse”, an e-commerce company. I have been involved in business development of both public and private institutions. I have developed interest in Social Media Marketing over the past four years.
Co-founded SIDSYNC Technologies in 2017 to cater the international customer base. At SIDSYNC technologies, our services include web development, software development, digital marketing, search engine optimization and Social Media Marketing.